Member Spotlight: Meshaelle Pate


Meshaelle Pate

We loved getting to know Meshaelle Pate, a Member of our FemCity Virtual community and of our FemCity Founder’s Program.

Tell us what inspired you to start your business?

It was time to discover who I was.

What is the best bit of business advice you received?

Be true to who YOU are.

Tell us about a moment you felt like giving up but moved forward and found growth and blessings?

My business is constantly evolving with my own personal growth. Many times I have wanted to just stop and not coach anymore because it meant I had to face my own fears. Yet, every time I face them and allow that to show in my business, I grow. Both personally and professionaly.

What inspires you to keep growing your business?

The women that I can help. The connection each of us has to step into our own Goddess energy and change our world. I fully believe when we embrace who we are, we allow those around us to do the same. When I mentor moms, they mentor their children. How can I not do this when what I do has the power to change the world? It's not mine to hide.

Final advice for other women running businesses?

The love you show yourself will be the love you show your business.

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